Weymouth Baptist Church

Sharing the Gospel, Making Disciples

Information for VisitorsWBC Logo

Sunday Morning Services

WorshipOur Sunday morning service usually take place at 10:00 am and aims to finish at 11.45 am. This is to allow those who have paid for two hours parking time to get back to their cars. Sunday evening meetings are as announced, but normally there is Prayer and Communion at 7.15 pm on the first Sunday of the month and a celebration of Communion during the 10 am service on the third Sunday of the month. For more details about our Sunday services and other events please visit the Diary.

At some point in the Sunday morning service there will normally be a collection to help fund the work of this church and God's world-wide church. If you come unprepared to give, that's perfectly okay - just let the bag pass you by.

We also have tea and coffee served at some time through the morning service. This not only serves as a refreshment break, but more importantly, gives us the opportunity to get to know one another, and particularly visitors, better.

How to find us


Map and parking information.

More about parking

There is parking directly outside the church along both sides of the road, sadly you will need to feed the meters.  Alternatively the nearest car parks are off East Street (Governors Lane) and behind Weymouth Pavilion at the end of the quay.  Parking in these Weymouth & Portland Borough Council car parks is also chargeable. (Governors Lane and the harbour side of the Pavilion car park are free after 6pm). The car parks are shown on our map, above.

If you are making a day of it and are concerned about the cost of parking when attending church, don't forget our Park and Ride service.

The 'Mount Pleasant' Park and Ride site is located on the main road into Weymouth. There's plenty of room to park free, and First’s bus service 2 provides a daily, all-year-round shuttle between Mount Pleasant and the Esplanade and all stops in between.

Further information about current parking charges and locations in Weymouth can be found here.