The Sunday Reminder and Weekly News Updates

The Sunday Reminder is Weymouth Baptist Church’s Monthly newsletter. Published in two editions on the first Friday of the month, the printed four-page version is available at the door on Sunday mornings. A large-print copy for the visually impaired can be ordered on application to the church office.
The second version is also published as a PDF file on the first Friday of the month and emailed to members. It includes the Mission News as a supplement when available. On the remaining Fridays in the month, the emailed Weekly News Update is sent to members.
Regular attendees can also request a copy; contact the Church Office via the Contact Form.
Mission News
Compiled by Rosemary Croft, the Mission News is published as news becomes available, and comes as a supplement to the emailed version of the Sunday Reminder, or a printed copy available from the Hub in the church Welcome Area. A large-print copy for the visually impaired can be ordered on application to the church office.
Documents to download:

Various documents are available for download as a pdf.
How to access the Member's Area
A step-by-step guide.
Previous Pastors of WBC
A list of Pastors that have served at WBC (formerly known as Bank Buildings).
Sermon Catalogue
We hold sermons from January 2009, indexed in the Sermon Catalogue.
Copies of any sermon can be made freely available on request using our Contact Form (Request for a sermon), with the details of the sermon/s required. The sermon will be copied as an mp3 file, typically around 10MB, and emailed to you. Sermons on CD's are no longer available.
Pamphlets by Rev. Peter Mockett
- Reflections on Leaders and Leadership A treatise on leaders in ministry
- Meditation and Mindfulness The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a great deal more anxiety and stress than usual for each of us. Pastor Peter writes on how to cope
- WBC’s Women Elders Seminar The handout from this seminar
- Lessons in Discipleship The What, Why and How of discipling
Domestic Abuse
If you are affected in any way by domestic abuse, the Baptist Union has issued this Guide, accompanied by this Youtube video.
WBC's Statements, Policies and Guides:
WBC Statement - Asylum Seekers, 2024-02-06
A statement on asylum seekers, the Bibby Stockholm barge and baptisms.
WBC’s Constitution
Our Constitution can be viewed here: WBC Constitution
WBC's Ethos Statement
The Statement on the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of WBC
WBC’s Data Protection Policy
- Policy on how we handle member’s personal data
- Privacy Notice for WBC Members
- Privacy Notice for Non-members
- Privacy Notice for Children's Events
WBC's Current Safeguarding Policy (Under Review)
- Volunteer Forms for pre-existent volunteers
- Volunteer Forms for new volunteers
- Safeguarding Policy - Reviewed August 2024 (Right click and download)
Other Policies and Guides
WBC’s Detailed Guidelines for Premises Users
The guide for those hiring rooms at WBCWBC's Aide Memoire for key holders
Procedures for key holders when admitting visiting groups to the premiseOther Documents:
Sensitive documents which contain personal information are only available to WBC members from the Member's Area. These documents are:
- The WBC Member's Directory
- Life Group Menu
- WBC Ministry Team List
- Ministries Report
- Youth and Children's Report