Weymouth Baptist Church

Sharing the Gospel, Making Disciples

WBC NewsWBC Logo

News, Events and Notices

Page updated: 13th June 2024

If you have any words of encouragement, answers to prayer, or other news for the weekly emailed newsletters, please send these to Ian via email by 11 am Thursday for publication the same week.

Contributions can also be sent to the Webmaster or by using our Contact Form, choosing the Webmaster option for who the message is for.


  • Notices   Notices from and for members
  • Local News   News from other churches and organisations

News Updates

WBC Baptismal Service

A Baptism Service is planned for the 14th July. If you want to talk about Baptism please make contact with a member of the WBC Leadership Team who will be able to help you.

Sunday Evening Prayer Meetings

Twice a month church members and friends join together in praying as a church - on the first Sunday evening of the month together at WBC and a fortnight later on Zoom. Contact the  Webmaster  for the Zoom code.

Both meetings start at 7.15 pm.

Join us on Sunday 7th July in Church and on the 21st July on Zoom.

Dates for your Diary

Welcome to Worship Logo

Sunday Services

Details of our Sunday Services, and those who are taking part, can be found on the Sunday Rotas page.

Ladies Zoom Meeting Logo

Ladies Zoom Meeting

Every Wednesday morning, 11.30 - 12.30 pm. If you live alone or don't see many people in the week or would just like to join us for a natter, please contact Pauline Hardisty for the Meeting ID and Passcode.

LogoWalking Weyfinders Why not join us for a walk this month?Peter Joslin will lead the next walk around Silverlake, Crossways starting at 2.30pm on Tuesday 9th July. The walk will last for approximately 1.5 hours with refreshments afterwards. For any who prefer a shorter walk, there will be an opportunity to return earlier. 

The August Walk will be led by Gill Bridle walking across Portland with refreshments at the home of Sandy Cave on Tuesday 13th August starting at 2.30pm.  



          The Lunch Bunch - On your own for Sunday Lunch?

            Why not join the Lunch Bunch for a friendly meal together? 

            We will be eating out  on Sunday 21st July 

            For further details and to book a place please contact Jill Hogg.


Bibby Stockholm Barge

Bibby Stockholm Barge Anchor Prayer Group

Would you like to be a part of the BSB Anchor Prayer Group to intercede for those living on the Bibby Stockholm Barge?

If so please contact Tree Taylor.

Paper Cups

Please be aware that the cup bins on Sunday mornings are emptied by hand, so please don’t put used tissues or other rubbish in them. There are two rubbish bins in the Welcome Area for rubbish but not cups. 

Why not go ‘Green’ and bring your own reusable cups? 

Thank You.

Local News

Christians Against Poverty

CA|P Newsletter

The Spring edition of CAP's newsletter can be downloaded here.

Weymouth Foodbank

Weymouth Foodbank Logo

Foodbank Help

Have you ever wondered how you could get help from the Foodbank?

Click the image (left) to view full-size.

The latest edition of the Foodbank's newsletter is available here.

Prayer House Radio… What's that? 

Prayer House Radio Logo

Whether you are using an Apple or Android Smartphone, you can download the appropriate free App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Visit the schedule online or just listen to the streaming service.

Keep in Touch and Warm Welcome

Warm Welcome Logo

Hi Everyone,

Please see the May edition of the Keep in Touch programme. I have made it look sunny in the hope that we really will be experiencing some sustained sunshine soon.

Jackie Dukes

Keep in Touch Project Coordinator

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