Weymouth Baptist Church

Sharing the Gospel, Making Disciples

MembershipWBC Logo

Becoming a member

We believe membership is a commitment to one another—a willingness to guard, care, submit, support, and minister together for the building up of our church body.

From time to time, those considering membership are invited to a meal with the Senior Minister at the Manse. This provides an informal setting to learn what the leaders and membership agree on various topics and to become acquainted with a Senior Minister who can help them connect with one or more of the church's ministries.

The meal is not a requirement for church membership. However, to become a member, that person would normally have been baptised by immersion, and must be approved by a majority in a Church Members’ Meeting.

Eligibility for membership and becoming a church member are detailed in full in the church’s Constitution, sections 7 and 8 respectively .