Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Team
Our church seeks to help people in a variety of ways, by applying the truths of the Christian faith to the specific circumstances of individuals.
Such pastoral care is offered to all, and the Team consists of caring church members who seek to come alongside and journey with those who are facing spiritual, emotional or physical challenges. Prayer support and practical assistance are readily available upon request and can be accessed through relevant home groups, or by direct contact with the pastoral care minister. Hospital or prison visits can also be arranged, as can home communion for those unable to attend the church services. Questions and enquiries of all types are welcomed, and these can be addressed as appropriate, for we fully believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is willing and able to meet every need. Together, we are committed to assisting all to encounter God and explore His purpose for their life through the practical application of Christian teaching and experience.
The Pastoral Care Team leader is currently Rev. Jonathan Greening.