Weymouth Baptist Church

Sharing the Gospel, Making Disciples


Notes on Podcasts

What is a podcast?

A podcast is a series of digital audio files which a user can:

  • Download in order to listen to.
  • Subscribe to, so that new files are automatically downloaded to the user's own local computer, tablet or smart phone
  • Listen to directly from this website

Subscribing to a podcast

You can subscribe to any of the podcasts using iTunes. Click on the Subscribe in iTunes link under the Sort by box.

About these podcasts

The podcasts are collections of similarly themed or collections of sermons:

  • Stand-alone: sermons by Peter that are not part of a series or collection
  • Series: Sermons on a particular subject, e.g., a book of the Bible
  • Guest Speakers: addresses by guest speakers, and others from within WBC 
  • Together Sundays: sermons from our Together Sunday family services

Stand-alone, Guest Speakers and Together Sundays podcasts will be grouped by year so that the podcast doesn’t become over-large.

Baptismal Testimonies: Testimonies from from those about to go through the waters of baptism.

How to use the podcasts

At the top of each podcast page is a powerful filter:

Sort by Filter

By default, the sermons are displayed in date order with the newest at the top.

Using the Sort by box you can rearrange the sermons by Description, Author/Artist, Date or Topic. Click on how you want to sort the sermons and then click on Filter.

Other examples of using filtering:

If you just want the sermons by one speaker, type their name in the Filter by box and click on Filter. All other speakers will be filtered out leaving just the required speaker.

If you are looking for a sermon by a speaker and you know the month of the sermon, you can further refine the search by typing the first three letters of the month in the Filter by box.

Downloading a sermon

Sermon DownloadFor every sermon, at the left-hand of the page, there is a blue link to the name of the file.

Clicking on this link will download the mp3 file to your device.

Playing the podcast

Media PlayerAt the right-hand of the page, under the details of the sermon, is the media player. From left to right the controls are:

  • Play This changes to Pause when running. Press to pause, press again to restart.
  • Time run/time of sermon
  • Return to start (when paused).
                  • Volume control Click and slide to adjust, slide fully to the left to mute (no slider in Android - just press to mute).
                  • Download the sermon

Bible references

When Bible references are given for the sermon above the media player, hovering your mouse over the link will bring up the text. If it is a long text, clicking on More will bring up the full text in Biblia.com

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