Worship and Music
Worship Ministry
The heart of our worship at
Weymouth Baptist Church is to seek after intimacy with Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. We are a group of ordinary people who are being encouraged and
developed to explore worship through music as well as all aspects of creative
As servant-hearted worshippers, we love to live for Jesus, and for each other while striving for excellence in all that we do. We aim to present music in such a way that glorifies Jesus; edifying, lifting and encouraging those who know Him and an insight into Him for those who might be in church for the very first time.
The group meet at the church every Thursday at 7.30 pm and welcomes anyone who has a heart to worship our Lord using their talents and gifts, both musically and in a technical support role.
The stream leader for the worship team is Liz Tripp.
Psalm 33:3 (NIV): Sing a new song, play skill-fully, and shout for joy.
Statement of Purpose
Our Statement of Purpose is based upon the following scriptures:
‘But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.’ John 4 v 23.
‘Sing a new song, play skilfully, and shout for joy. (Psalm 33 v 3)
As a Worship Team, we desire to:
a) Worship God as a team through our music, reflecting a love and passion for Jesus Christ, serving Him with a grateful heart.
b) Be free to move forward ‘in the Spirit’ as the Holy Spirit leads us, recognising that we have a responsibility to lead God’s people into His presence where they can worship ‘in spirit and in truth’.
c) Develop a greater love and fellowship within the team, recognising that ‘team’ includes the Audio-Visual technical team members as well as musicians and singers.
d) Encourage and develop new recruits to the Worship Team, from those who are committed to Jesus Christ and to the body of Christ at Weymouth Baptist Church.
As Worship Team members, we are committed to:
a) Worshipping God as individuals, having given our lives to the Lord.
b) Being actively and routinely involved with the life of Weymouth Baptist Church.
c) Using and developing our gifts and talents to the best of our abilities, striving for excellence for His glory, not for our own glorification.
d) Living exemplary and honourable lives as an example to others, remembering that ‘when we fall, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us.’
e) Being realistic about our own strengths and weaknesses, and seeking the help of God and others to help us where we are weak.
f) Regularly meeting as a Worship Team, particularly attending and contributing to the weekly Worship Group Practices whenever possible and practicable.
g) Arriving in good time for all meetings, to adequately prepare ourselves for Worship.
h) Regularly reviewing our role in the Worship Team, with support and guidance from the Worship Stream Leader and the Weymouth Baptist Church leadership, to whom we are accountable in our role in the Team.
Liz Tripp – Weymouth Baptist Church - Worship Stream Leader – March 2024